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Your Newsletter will follow in due course but you can look in the Archive for the latest issue (See below). We are now including feature articles from some of our wonderful stockists & users. We love to hear from people with unusual stories that may be of interest to others in the Newsletter, so use the Contact Us page on the menu bar if you have anything to share or better still, join our Facebook page.

Here are a few Frequently Asked Questions:-

No, you have just subscribed to the list BUT you can look in the Archive here and view the latest copy with the dicount codes etc.

Newsletters are sent every couple of months usually in January, Easter, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Christmas.

Each coupon is valid for 2 months but you will get a new one in the next Newsletter so stay subscribed.

To make it easy, the Newsletter has pictures of popular products & a big yellow button to buy. It will automatically add the item to your basket and apply the correct coupon. It really is that simple!

You can also do this manually, if you wish, and use the coupon code at the checkout. In this example its shown below as YAW6Z9EC. As the discounts are valid for all products not on Offer, you can use it on other products not listed here.

Newsletter Subscription Confirmation

We DON’T mind if you share this with friends and family but not on Facebook, please! You’ve earned your discount & it’s a reward for you.

Yes of course. Just click the Unsubscribe button at the bottom of the email but you won’t be entitled to further discounts.

If you have any further questions, see “Contact Us“,

Kind regards
